Tuesday, August 21, 2012


First Idea:
 I've always been a little dramtic with my fear of spiders. Which led me to think about how other people can be over dramatic with their phobia. The goal of this idea is to show how people may over react when faced with thier phobia. I'd like to use some very dramatic lighting, props, and models facial expressions. I think the lighting could play a big role in how people look at the photo. also th expression on the models face could hold a thousand words.

Idea number two:
  Opposites. I would want these images to be very contemporary and natural. Not to much photoshop so you see the true opposite in the image. I'm talking polar opposites, hot and cold, black and white, light and dark. Simple ones, and ones you may not see coming.

Third idea:
   People as animals and animals as people. Dogs at work and humans catching frisbees The roles will be switched and collars will be removed. Wish me luck.